With over 100 degree granting institutions in the greater Philadelphia area there is a tremendous need for campus ministry inthe city. Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries provides many opportunities for students to gather around the gospel for prayer and study. Sunday services at Logos Lutheran church are Saturdays at 5pm and there is also a Scripture study and prayer service on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm both meet at 628 North Broad St.
Recent Bible study topics have included: Christ in the Old Testament, Zephaniah, 5 Things you can do to Witness Christ, the Old Testament lectionary readings, and Luther’s Large Catechism. Following Sunday service at Logos there is an opportunity to gather for fellowship and share a meal that is provided by the church. Other fellowship activities are scheduled individually and have included such things as dinner in China Town, Super Bowl parties, movie nights, and trips to DC for the March for life. Please email the Vicar (vicar@phillyministries.org) for more information about campus ministry in the city.