ABOUT Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries
Congregations of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in New Jersey and Pennsylvania have long histories of outreach and generosity toward the needs of the people of Philadelphia. That concern for the city led a group of people over fifteen years ago to begin talking about ways to deliberately reach the people of Philadelphia with the Gospel of Christ.
The Birth of Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries
In the 1990s, several Philadelphia-area lay leaders began to work toward missionary work in the city. By 1997, a committee of pastors and lay people had officially formed Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries. In 1998, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LC-MS) recognized Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries as a Registered Service Organization (RSO).
Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries is guided by a Board of pastors and lay people who worship and serve in Lutheran congregations in Pennsylvania. One pastor serves as Director while still serving as pastor of a local congregation. The Board, as the board of an RSO of the LC-MS, has the authority to call pastors to serve as missionaries to the city of Philadelphia.
Ongoing Ministry
Soon after its formal beginning, Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries began working with a congregation of Liberian immigrants, Christ Assembly Lutheran Church. Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries assisted the congregation as it purchased a church property in west Philadelphia, called a Liberian pastor and began services.
Logos Lutheran is a new outreach ministry in Center City begun in the fall of 2016. Divine Service is held every Saturday at 5pm at 628 N. Broad Street in the historic Old Zion sanctuary.
For more information, please visit: http://www.logoslutheran.org