Vicar Alexander Ogden


Alexander Ogden was born and adopted from Kemerovo, Russia. He was raised in the Metro-Detroit area and then attended college at Concordia University Chicago in River Forest, Illinois. While there he studied theology, biblical languages, and psychology. It was at college that he developed his love for the liturgy and an interest in philosophy, early Christianity, and novelists Ernest Hemingway and Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

Taking two years off between his undergrad studies and seminary, Alexander worked
several odd jobs until he began working at an inner-city mission church in Southwest Detroit. It was there that he spent his days working and serving the homeless, the impoverished, and the community at large. While at the mission church, Family of God, he worked there several days a week delivering meals to the homeless, helping lead Bible studies, assisting in services, and getting to know the various individuals who came through the church doors.

Afterward, he began his studies at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne. Alexander is excited to be in an inner-city environment again and is looking forward to growing, learning, and developing relationships with everyone he meets.

In his spare time, he enjoys collecting and listening to records, going to the movies, reading, and writing poetry, and improving his film photography abilities. He hopes to get back into cycling and running this year as well as attempting to get some poetry published formally. 

Alexander is excited and eager to continue to learn more about Philadelphia, her people, and her history. But beyond this and more importantly, he wants to develop relationships with the people of St. John’s and Logos and serve them as he is best able. It is with great pleasure that he will begin and continue his education and formation as a student and looks forward to what the next year will offer.